Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Malam Ramadhan yg Terakhir???


Do we realize that time goes so fast
as we couldn't remember..
And now
Ramadhan is now approcing to the end..
Lets us ponder ourselves in a minute..
did we repent???
did we gain our reward(pahala)???
with the time that we still have
lets increase our goodness,
perform our prayer,
and repent all our sins
as tonight and tomorrow
is our last day of Ramadhan..
Lets gain
as much as we could get so that
we will not regret in the future..
we would not know
if we ever meet again
with the next Ramadhan...
to all reader
I would like to wish all of u
Happy Eid Mubarak
have a safe journey to your hometown...
have a blast Eid ul-Fitr...



1st of all I would like to thnks to Allah the Al Mighty
bcoz give me an opportunity to create this blog
so that I will be able to share some knowledge with
all of u....('',)

This may be my 1st time involve in blogging
so I hope all reader will gain some benefit from my writing
and give some feedback for improvement...